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Marketing Plan for “The Northwood Table”

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Welcome to the journey of building “The Northwood Table,” a Thought experiment in crafting the ultimate restaurant in Minneapolis. This project is not just about opening a restaurant; it’s about applying cutting-edge branding methodologies, creating a deep connection with the local community, and building a sustainable business that stands out in one of the most competitive industries.

Minneapolis, with its rich culinary culture and strong sense of community, offers the perfect backdrop for this venture. The city’s residents value authenticity, sustainability, and localism—all elements that will form the foundation of The Northwood Table. But building a successful restaurant is more than just having great food. It requires a well-thought-out brand strategy that resonates with people, fosters long-term relationships, and communicates values beyond the plate.

This experiment will explore the step-by-step theoretical process of creating a restaurant brand from scratch, using the Brand Voyager methodology. From choosing a name that reflects the essence of Minnesota, to developing a powerful brand story, designing every customer touchpoint, and crafting an effective marketing plan, we will walk through each phase of building The Northwood Table into a beloved local institution.

What makes this journey unique is our focus on both the creative and analytical sides of branding. We’ll integrate emotional storytelling with measurable KPIs, blending the art of brand-building with the science of performance marketing. Along the way, we’ll highlight best practices, learning opportunities, and real-time adjustments, making this experiment a living case study in creating a thriving local restaurant.

The goal of this experiment is not only to launch a successful restaurant but to demonstrate how a carefully crafted brand can reduce marketing costs, foster customer loyalty, and create lasting value. By documenting every step, we aim to provide a blueprint for other restaurateurs and businesses looking to build strong, sustainable brands.

Join us as we set out on this exciting journey to create The Northwood Table—a place where the warmth of the Northwoods meets the heart of Minneapolis.

Step 1: Defining the Vision and Mission

To create a successful restaurant in Minneapolis, we start by defining the vision and mission that will guide all decisions. This restaurant will embody the essence of Minnesota culture, blending a cozy, rustic Northwoods atmosphere with high-quality, locally-sourced cuisine.

  • Vision: To be Minneapolis’s most beloved dining destination, offering a welcoming environment that celebrates Minnesota’s natural beauty and culinary heritage.
  • Mission: The Northwood Table is dedicated to providing a warm, inviting dining experience where locals and visitors alike can enjoy sustainably-sourced food and impeccable service, all in the heart of Minneapolis.

Step 2: Naming and Brand Identity Development

The name “The Northwood Table” reflects Minnesota’s rich natural landscapes and the communal experience of sharing a meal at a welcoming table. This name will evoke a sense of place and warmth, key elements we want associated with the restaurant.

  • Logo: The logo will incorporate earthy colors, stylized pine trees, and a rustic table icon. This will communicate a connection to nature while emphasizing the communal dining experience.
  • Brand Colors: Deep forest green, warm wood tones, and cool blues, reminiscent of Minnesota’s forests and lakes, will dominate the color palette.
  • Tagline: “Gather at The Northwood Table.”

Step 3: Location Selection

Choosing the right location in Minneapolis is central to our restaurant’s success. We will select a neighborhood that aligns with our target audience’s values—community, sustainability, and a love for local culture. Ideal locations would include:

  • Northeast Minneapolis: Known for its vibrant arts scene, local businesses, and eclectic community, this area offers a balance of foot traffic and an audience that appreciates unique, authentic experiences.
  • Linden Hills: A neighborhood that is family-friendly, with a strong sense of community and a preference for locally-owned businesses.
  • North Loop: An emerging foodie hub, attracting a younger, professional crowd that appreciates innovative cuisine and upscale casual dining.

The location will also need ample parking, easy access from main streets, and visibility to ensure that people can find it easily.

Step 4: Developing the Brand Story

The brand story of The Northwood Table will revolve around creating a home away from home for the community. The story will focus on our commitment to sustainability, using local ingredients, and creating a dining experience that feels like a gathering at a family table.

  • The Narrative: “Inspired by the spirit of the Northwoods, The Northwood Table offers a place to gather with friends and family. Our menu reflects the seasons, sourcing ingredients from local farmers and suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability. Every dish tells a story of the region we call home.”
  • Key Messaging: Emphasize the themes of community, local sourcing, and environmental responsibility in all communication materials.

Step 5: Customer Persona Development

To successfully market The Northwood Table, we need to define our target customer personas. We’ll focus on three primary personas:

  1. The Local Foodie
    • Age: 25-40
    • Occupation: Young professionals, creatives, or entrepreneurs
    • Values: Sustainability, innovation, and unique dining experiences
    • Behavior: Frequently dine out, interested in trying new and locally-sourced foods, active on social media
    • Goal: To find a new favorite spot that offers great food and a unique atmosphere
  2. The Family Gatherer
    • Age: 35-55
    • Occupation: Middle to upper-middle-class parents
    • Values: Family time, community, and supporting local businesses
    • Behavior: Dines out on weekends with family, values kid-friendly menus, appreciates a welcoming atmosphere
    • Goal: To find a restaurant that offers a wholesome, enjoyable experience for the whole family
  3. The Eco-Conscious Consumer
    • Age: 30-50
    • Occupation: Educated professionals, activists, or academics
    • Values: Sustainability, environmentalism, and ethical sourcing
    • Behavior: Supports businesses with green initiatives, prefers organic and locally-sourced ingredients, willing to pay more for sustainable practices
    • Goal: To find a restaurant that aligns with their environmental values and offers a guilt-free dining experience

Step 6: Brand Touchpoints Development

To ensure a seamless brand experience, we will define and refine every customer touchpoint. These include:

  1. Online Presence:
    • Website: The Northwood Table’s website will be mobile-friendly, featuring an easy-to-navigate menu, online reservation system, and detailed information on the restaurant’s sustainability initiatives.
    • Social Media: Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest will be used to showcase the restaurant’s dishes, behind-the-scenes content, and highlight the stories of local suppliers.
    • SEO: Focus on local SEO to ensure the restaurant appears at the top of searches for “best local dining” or “sustainable restaurants in Minneapolis.”
  2. In-Store Experience:
    • Signage: The exterior signage will reflect the restaurant’s rustic brand with a modern touch, drawing people in with its inviting aesthetic.
    • Menu Design: The menu will reflect the brand story, including detailed descriptions of the ingredients and their local sources.
    • Ambiance: The interior design will feature reclaimed wood, soft lighting, and natural elements to create a cozy, Northwoods feel.
  3. Staff Interactions:
    • Hiring: Staff will be hired based on their alignment with the restaurant’s values of sustainability, hospitality, and community.
    • Training: Comprehensive training will ensure that all staff members understand the brand story and can communicate it effectively to customers. This includes knowledge of the local sourcing practices and sustainability initiatives that make The Northwood Table unique.
    • Service Style: The service will be friendly and approachable, creating a personal connection with guests to make them feel like part of the Northwood Table family.
  4. Community Involvement:
    • Local Partnerships: Partnering with local farms, breweries, and artisans to create events and collaborations that reinforce the community aspect of the brand.
    • Charitable Initiatives: Regular participation in local charity events and environmental clean-up efforts to further align the brand with sustainability and community support.
  5. Packaging and Sustainability:
    • Eco-Friendly Packaging: Takeout containers, bags, and utensils will be compostable and biodegradable, reinforcing the restaurant’s commitment to environmental responsibility.
    • Waste Reduction: Implementing a robust composting and recycling program to minimize the restaurant’s environmental footprint.

Step 7: Hiring and Training

Hiring the right staff is central to delivering on the brand promise. The Northwood Table will focus on hiring individuals who are not only skilled in their roles but also passionate about sustainability, local food, and community.

  • Key Roles: Head Chef, Sous Chefs, Front-of-House Managers, Servers, and Marketing Coordinator.
  • Training Program: All staff will undergo an immersive training program covering brand values, sustainability practices, customer service excellence, and local food knowledge.
  • Staff Empowerment: Creating a culture where staff feel empowered to make decisions that enhance the customer experience will be crucial to the restaurant’s success.

Step 8: Marketing Launch Plan

To build excitement and awareness for The Northwood Table’s opening, we will implement a phased marketing strategy:

  1. Pre-Launch Campaign:
    • Teaser Content: Share behind-the-scenes content on social media, including the construction of the restaurant, menu development, and stories from local farmers and suppliers.
    • Local Media Outreach: Engage with local food bloggers, journalists, and influencers to build buzz before the official launch.
  2. Launch Event:
    • Grand Opening Party: Host a grand opening event featuring a tasting menu, live music, and meet-and-greet opportunities with the head chef and local suppliers. Invite local influencers and media to cover the event.
    • VIP Invitations: Send exclusive invitations to key community figures, loyal followers, and local influencers to create word-of-mouth buzz.
  3. Post-Launch Campaign:
    • Loyalty Program: Introduce a loyalty program that rewards frequent diners with discounts, special offers, and invites to exclusive events.
    • Seasonal Menus and Events: Promote seasonal menu changes and host regular events, such as farm-to-table dinners and wine tastings, to keep the community engaged.

Step 9: Ongoing Community Engagement

Building a strong, ongoing relationship with the Minneapolis community will be key to long-term success. The Northwood Table will achieve this by:

  • Sponsoring Local Events: Participating in local food festivals, farmers’ markets, and charity events.
  • Educational Workshops: Hosting workshops on sustainability, cooking with local ingredients, and other topics that align with the brand values.
  • Collaborations: Partnering with local artisans and brands to co-create products, such as a signature coffee blend or locally-made candles for the restaurant.

Brand Voyager Brand Model

The Northwood Table’s branding will be guided by the Brand Voyager Brand Model, which emphasizes the integration of emotional connection, rational appeal, and authenticity.

  • Emotional Connection: The Northwood Table will create a deep emotional connection with its customers through its cozy atmosphere, locally-sourced menu, and focus on sustainability.
  • Rational Appeal: The restaurant will offer clear, rational reasons to choose it over competitors, such as transparent sourcing practices, a commitment to local ingredients, and high-quality dishes.
  • Authenticity: Every aspect of the restaurant, from its décor to its staff training, will emphasize authenticity and a genuine connection to Minnesota culture.

Summary of the Brand Voyagers Model

The Brand Voyagers Model is designed to focus on the transformative journey of the customer, shifting attention from what a brand sells to the value it adds to a customer’s life. The model emphasizes the customer’s personal growth, identity, and aspirations through four key phases: Customer Insight, Brand Promise, Engagement Pathway, and Aspirational Identity.

  1. Customer Insight: This initial phase involves gaining a deep understanding of the customer’s current desires, challenges, and identity. This insight allows the brand to position itself as a catalyst for change in the customer’s life.
  2. Brand Promise: Here, the brand makes a clear, compelling commitment to helping the customer achieve their aspirational identity. The brand promise is what differentiates the brand from competitors and resonates with the customer’s needs.
  3. Engagement Pathway: This phase outlines the steps and interactions through which the brand facilitates the customer’s transformation. It involves more than just the purchase; it encompasses the entire experience of engaging with the brand, ensuring that every touchpoint aligns with the brand’s mission.
  4. Aspirational Identity: The final phase involves vividly depicting who the customer becomes as a result of their journey with the brand. It reflects both tangible and intangible benefits, reinforcing how the brand contributes to the customer’s personal growth and transformation.

The Brand Voyagers Model ultimately focuses on creating a transformative experience, helping customers become better versions of themselves. Brands that follow this model prioritize the customer’s journey over the product, aligning their offerings with the customer’s evolving identity and aspirations.

Brand Journey for Customer Groups at “The Northwood Table”

Using the Brand Voyagers Model, we can map out the aspirational journeys for our three primary customer personas: The Local Foodie, The Family Gatherer, and The Eco-Conscious Consumer. Each journey will follow the four key phases of the model.

1. The Local Foodie’s Journey

  • Customer Insight: The Local Foodie seeks unique dining experiences, values innovation, and is always on the lookout for the next culinary adventure in Minneapolis.
  • Brand Promise: The Northwood Table promises to be their go-to spot for a distinctive, locally-sourced menu that combines seasonal ingredients with creative flair. The restaurant will deliver new and exciting dishes that challenge their palate and satisfy their curiosity.
  • Engagement Pathway: The Local Foodie engages with the brand through seasonal menu updates, chef’s tasting events, and special promotions highlighting unique ingredients. Social media campaigns and behind-the-scenes content (e.g., stories about local farmers and ingredients) keep them intrigued and connected.
  • Aspirational Identity: By dining at The Northwood Table, the Local Foodie becomes someone who is in-the-know about the latest culinary trends and supports local businesses, gaining a reputation as a tastemaker in their community.

2. The Family Gatherer’s Journey

  • Customer Insight: The Family Gatherer values community, togetherness, and providing memorable dining experiences for their loved ones in a welcoming environment.
  • Brand Promise: The Northwood Table promises to be a family-friendly dining destination that offers comfort, warmth, and delicious meals made from locally-sourced ingredients, making it easy for families to connect over food.
  • Engagement Pathway: The Family Gatherer engages through a welcoming atmosphere with kid-friendly options, special family meal deals, and weekend brunch events that cater to all ages. Engaging with the brand on social media, they see stories of other families enjoying quality time at the restaurant.
  • Aspirational Identity: By making The Northwood Table their go-to family spot, the Family Gatherer becomes the person who fosters meaningful connections and creates cherished family traditions centered around local culture and cuisine.

3. The Eco-Conscious Consumer’s Journey

  • Customer Insight: The Eco-Conscious Consumer prioritizes sustainability and environmental responsibility, seeking out brands that align with their values.
  • Brand Promise: The Northwood Table promises to be a leader in sustainability, offering a menu that prioritizes organic, locally-sourced ingredients while implementing eco-friendly practices in every aspect of the restaurant’s operations.
  • Engagement Pathway: The Eco-Conscious Consumer engages through the brand’s transparency in sourcing, sustainability events, and the use of eco-friendly packaging. Regular updates on sustainability efforts, partnerships with local farms, and educational workshops reinforce the brand’s commitment to the environment.
  • Aspirational Identity: By dining at The Northwood Table, the Eco-Conscious Consumer becomes an advocate for sustainable living and a supporter of environmentally responsible businesses, enhancing their sense of purpose and contribution to the greater good.

Implementing the Brand Journey at The Northwood Table

For each customer group, The Northwood Table must carefully craft touchpoints that guide them through their unique aspirational journey. From online presence to in-restaurant experiences, every interaction must reinforce the brand’s promise, ensuring customers feel transformed and connected to the brand’s mission. By following the Brand Voyagers Model, The Northwood Table will not just sell meals; it will help its customers become more connected to their community, their values, and their aspirations.

Future Phases of the Case Study

This marketing plan is just the beginning of our collaborative journey in building the ultimate restaurant in Minneapolis. Future phases will dive deeper into customer feedback, refine the customer experience, and continue to evolve The Northwood Table into a beloved local institution.

As we move forward, we will document every step of the restaurant’s journey, refining our strategies and tactics to ensure its success. Together, we’ll create a case study that showcases the power of branding and community engagement in the restaurant industry.

Working Hours

Mon-Fri: When Inspired

Saturday: closed

Sunday: closed


We offer both in-person and virtual consultations around the world.

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